Friday, January 17, 2014

A Shot in the Dark

It was madness! The screams were deafening. I could hear shots being fired all around me as the smoky haze made visibility limited. Then the shot that got me came not from the front as any honorable assassin would do but from behind. Everything went dark. Well, not everything but everything on my lasertag vest went dark. I turned in time to see an eight-year-old boy laughing as he sprinted away clearly breaking the solemn oath we had all taken prior to leaving the airlock. “I will not run” were the words I used and he used. How could he toss aside the noble vow we had taken as fellow warriors? This breach of conduct could not be tolerated but I was not about to turn to the marshal who was roaming the corridors. This was between two warriors holding dorky looking lasers while wearing cumbersome vests that would allow others to make us beep and vibrate. We were practically samurai!

Through the darkness I tracked my prey. He would pay for his treachery. The shooting in the back and the running was just wrong. As I turned the corner, I came face to face with my nemesis. Well, actually it was face to belly button since I was almost twice as tall at the little twerp. Normally my 6' 1” stature is a benefit to most athletic activities. Sadly, lasertag is not one of those sports where it is a benefit. It does allow anyone within a five mile radius to see the big guy with the flashing lights on his vest so they can shoot him. But not this time. I had dead in my sights. He was going down! Then I heard the sound that made my blood boil. My vest blinked and went out as his laser found the target on my chest as his high pitched, whiny laughter echoed through my ears.

“Nice shot,” as I grumbled a pseudo-compliment trying to save face and be the adult as he once again broke the rules and RAN off. But he cheated somehow! I know it! I know it! I know it!!! Waaaaaaa! I can't prove it but no one without marine sniper training is that good of a shot. Are they teaching that in elementary schools these days? Or perhaps he is a genetic experiment done by the Army Rangers to create the first of a new kind of soldier that has been made from the DNA of the finest of the Special Ops commandos from around the world and been trained in guerrilla warfare. Now he has been unleashed on the lasertag community as a way of testing and honing his mad skills. Yeah, that's got to be the reason he was able to tag me twice.

Two can play that game. I have watched every Chuck Norris movie ever made. I know a thing or two about this kind of warfare. As I prepared another ambush for my enemy I know only by the codename Fuzzy Pickle, it occurred to me that I may be taking this whole thing a little too seriously. It is just a game and he is just a kid out there having some fun. I pondered the concept that I should be the responsible adult and allow him his fun and not become so obsessed as to rob a child of his joy. Then again I really wanted to shoot that little, cheating creep so forget about the responsible adult crap. This is Chuck Norris revenge level entrapment to make him pay for his crimes against my humanity. I could hear him coming closer and closer. A smile crossed my face because I had calculated the exact angle needed to blast him and show him who was the real hunter/warrior and who was the cheater who got in a couple lucky shots. He came around the corner not in front of me but behind me and shot me in the back. Again.

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