Friday, February 7, 2014

Let’s Get This Party Started

A friend of mine commented that I sometimes have an unusual way of looking at things. That comment was quite offensive to me since that person has never spent time looking at the world the way I do. If they had taken the time to carefully consider my perspective on the issues of the day, the word “sometimes” would have been replaces by “always”.

Since we are on the topic of painful words, it is high time the topic of the politics entered into our discussion. My dearly departed daddy told me never to discuss religion, politics or women. Since I have already broken two of those rules, I felt it was time to annoy the politically savvy amongst my blog readers. I’m sure both of you will be suitably offended by the time you finish this blog.

Let me go on record by telling you that I am a liberal conservative. Or is that a conservative liberal? Maybe a green constitutional libertarian? To be honest, like many of Generation-X, I am a registered, card-carrying independent. Granted, the card I carry is my Kroger discount card, but I carry it everywhere. When it comes time to vote, I go online and research each candidate, discovering where they stand on the key issues of the day. Looking at each candidate on the internet is a great source of information because we all know that there is never anything spin-doctored or misleading on a politician’s website. Simple truth: I find the one that annoys me the least and vote for them. Failing that, I do own a dartboard.

Knowing that my opinion about politics in general has been veiled among my deep thoughts, allow me to clarify. I am not a disenfranchised voter. You have to be franchised in the first place and that is not something for me. Looking at the word “politics”, can you blame me? Divide it up. “Poly” means many. “Tics” are blood sucking insects. Strangely appropriate words when you break it down, don’t you think?

Many of my politically active friends have called me names like “fence-sitter”, “non-conformist”, “lazy”, and “Bob”. In the past, I have thanked them for their accurate observations. “Bob” was given to me while discussing politics at the lake as I would go underwater when something was discussed that I found boring. That was the weekend I almost drowned.

Well, the time has come to take a stand since I have finally discovered something that I believe in and I am tired of holding my breath at the lake. It is with great pleasure that I announce the formation of a new political party: The Wine and Cheese Party. Our platform will be centered on the drinking of wine without the slightest judgment of others. We will be open to the wine enthusiast (snobs) and the wine guzzlers (slobs). You can be a drinker of sweet wines (no-pallet), semi-sweet wines (some-pallet) or dry wines (too-much-pallet). The red wine drinkers (rosy-lipped) will enjoy their fermented grape juice alongside the white wine drinkers (pucker-lipped). All will be welcomed.

Our debates will function with the following format: 1. Any member is allowed to state his or her opinion on any topic that is relevant to the party. 2. After considering the statement over a full glass of wine, another member can either agree or disagree by making a statement either for or against the topic. 3. Everyone must then drink another glass of wine while considered the statement made by the second person. Cheese is recommended on a nice sesame cracker at this point. 4. Another point can be made at as the glasses are refilled about the first person’s topic, the second person’s statement, or the quality of the brie. 5. Another glass of wine is consumed while eating more cheese. 6. By this point, everyone who has had four glasses of wine agrees that everyone else is right and that we need to use this method for the Middle East Peace Talks.

Our first meeting will be held at a winery as soon as I can find one with an auditorium, a sound system, and a wide variety of wine choices. It may take a while. There is a lot of free tasting… I mean prep work… involved in finding just the right place.

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