Listening to one of my favorite groups
I came across an amazing song. The group is Apocalyptica and
the song is “Not
Strong Enough”. Check it out! Yes those are cellos that sound
like ripping electric guitars. If you didn't click that link before I
bet you will now! The song is talking about a guy who found a girl he
just can't stay away from. Been there. Done that. Other than toxic
relationships there are other things from which I am just not strong
enough to stay away. Here are a few of my favorites.
- Peanut Butter Cups are one of the best things ever made. That old commercial where they are talking about showing it to Noah is classic. Here is some irony for you. While I was just looking up that link for the Noah commercial I had to wait for a commercial before I could watch my commercial.
- Am I the only one who find Shark Week on the Discovery Chanel to be abhorrent, terrifying, disgusting and impossible to turn off? Something about those cold, dead eyes makes me reminisce about this girl I knew in college. Good times. (I need therapy.)
- Any movie that has lasers will have my attention. There was even this really bad one called Starcrash that had David Hassellhoff as a Simon, space prince, being rescued by the scantily clad Stella Star. It is really, really, really bad and if you get the chance to watch it make sure you have your popcorn, beer and sarcastic comments ready to go! Imagine the movie Flash Gordon but with worse acting. Yeah, I know. Hard to imagine, isn't it?
- Anything that is so funny that it is a parody of life like Weird Al Yankovick, Scrubs, Robin Williams, and Congress. There is something to be said of anyone who can open their mouth and say something that is so ridiculous that you have to laugh. You can't tell me those Senators and Representatives are not comedians. They are a riot! Wait a second. You mean they are serious? Surely not.
- No matter what I cannot stay away from Facebook. There is something to be said about being friends with 17,823 people. I have actually met 6 of them! And those games! I have got the the cutest little farm and hire those same people I have never met to help me water, harvest and feed various things on my farm. Now if I could only get the same kind of enthusiasm from my real life friends when I want help moving.
sure there are other things that I am not strong enough to stay away
from but I can't think of any because I'm trying to be strong enough
to not fall asleep after working third shift.