Saturday, January 1, 2011

Do You Have A Snew?

I really wanna know if you have a snew. So do you? I bet you do! What? You’re not sure? How can you not know if you have a snew? Some people just don’t know the important things. What’s that? Did you just say, “Snew? What snew?” Not much. What’s new with you? (Sound it out. It’ll make sense. It’s not really that funny but it will make sense.)

There are all kinds of new things coming up for this New Year. I plan on getting my career going full speed and making some money. There are new friends to meet and make. This year I am going to write my first book. I think it is time that this swimmer learned how to scuba. Brazilian Jujitsu looks interesting and deserves a look. Out at the community college they have a hot air balloon festival that is calling to me.

This year with my kids will be truly interesting. I have a senior who is heading off to college and the fun and learning and more fun that involves. Even though I will be living vicariously through him I hope he will be living the life he wants. Then there is my mini-me who is hitting puberty full blast. That will really be interesting. The girls are already calling!

January always seems so fresh and new to me. It is the combination of bare trees of the winter with the crisp, cool air and the next twelve months to paint a new portrait of activity with all the colors your imagination can muster. I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to creating a better, more colorful painting this year than last. Isn’t that what each year gives us? It is a new chance to paint out lives and color outside the lines to make it interesting. I think it is when we go outside the lines to take risks and make mistakes that the portrait gets interesting.

We have the chance to learn from our past years’ mistakes to make this year better. My goal is to make 2011 a lot better than 2010. The way 2010 went it won’t take much. But I am looking forward to the great times ahead and the mistakes I’m going to make along the way. That is part of the fun. 2011 will be a year of major mistakes and monumental screw ups. You will have them too! Enjoy the mistakes and the blunders along with the successes and joys. What snew? Everything!

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