Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Which is Not To Be Confused With…

There are so many ways to write these blogs that I hardly ever know where to begin or where to end so I just like to keep writing until something makes a little bit of sense which is not to be confused with the cents you get when you make change which is not to be confused with making time which can get you into trouble which is not to be confused with the trouble you get when you just write and write and write until there is a kernel of an idea with a modicum of truth or even some kind of wisdom which is not to be confused with being a smart alec in the form of a wise guy which is not to be confused with a wise man who brings gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to a child in Bethlehem where there are now all kinds of dangers that make it seem as though Herod has returned which is not to be confused with making a return to Harrods in London and since I have never been there I don’t even know if they take returns which is not to be confused with returning a video to Blockbuster where they will hound you and harass you if you are even a little bit late which is not to be confused with returning a movie to the Red Box instead of the Blockbuster boxes whatever they are called and Blockbuster should worried about a storm of lawsuits from Red Box which is not to be confused with to be confused with Red Storm Rising that Tom Clancy wrote many years ago that was never made into a movie even though it would have been a really good one which is not to be confused with the Red October book and movie starring Sean Connery, the greatest Scottish actor to ever live, which is not to be confused with Macbeth about a Scottish king that William Shakespeare wrote at the height of his genius which is not to be confused with the genius of Mozart who, while hanging out with Antonio Salieri, died under mysterious circumstances which is not to be confused with the mysterious way that President John F. Kennedy was shot by whoever really was on that grassy knoll which is not to be confused with mysterious way that President Bill Clinton got away with so many things while in office and we just kept on letting him redefine words like “is” which is not to be confused with Darrell Hammond impersonating Bill Clinton on Saturday Night Live with was one of the funniest things on there in years which is not to be confused with Daryl Hannah who was a mermaid in Splash with Tom Hanks which is not to be confused with Tom Hanks playing Forrest Gump where we found out that life really is like a box of chocolates which is not to be confused with a real forest where there are too many trees to see it. Confused?

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