I was watching an old episode of Mythbusters the other day. They always begin the show by saying,
“Don’t do what you are about to see at home.” Then they add, “Ever!”
Personally, I’m a little insulted by that. I know that I am not supposed to
blow up a huge concrete truck with more explosives than most third world
countries have in their entire arsenal. I would never try that even if I could
get my hands on that kind of ammonium nitrate without the friendly neighborhood
agents of Homeland Security showing up at my door with a one-way ticket to Cuba.
Everyone knows that C-4 works better.
The reason that
disclaimer is on there is to protect the lovable goofs on Mythbusters from being sued by

I feel it is time
that we get some laws out there to protect us from stupidity. I am hereby
issuing a challenge to Congress to pass a law against suing because someone was
stupid. I am calling it the “Survival of the Fittest Legislation”. Consider, if
you will, a woman watching a show on Brazilian waxing. (My personal opinion is
that should be called an Australian Wax since it is getting rid of hair down
under.) Since she is too cheap to pay someone to get rid of the hair down
there, she goes to the Dollar Tree and buy fourteen candles and two rolls of
duct tape. And hour later, she has third degree burns and an issue with wax in
places that should never have wax. Dollar Tree and the TV show about waxing
would be out millions in pain and suffering damages. Unless there is a law to
protect them. With the “Survival of the Fittest Legislation” those fine
institutions would be protected, plus the woman would not be interested in
reproduction any time soon.
Now, of course this law would not apply to situations where there
was a logical reason for the person to perform a feat that was displayed on America’s Got Talent. I don’t care what
they say, I was really sure I could have my buddy, Jim Bob, break that concrete
block on my belly with the twelve pound sledge. I’m going after millions since
they encouraged me to try that.
On an unrelated topic, does anyone know someone who is a chest
cavity donor? Mine has a hole it in.
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