Doug: Hey, Tone. How are you doing today?
Tone: Well, I’m gassy if you really need to know.
Doug: I already knew that. (gag, gasp, turning green)
Tone: I’d say sorry, but you know better. That is a
very cool shade of green you’re turning. Is that chartreuse or more of a
Doug: No more chili dogs for you! (cough, cough)
Tone: Like you could stop me. So am I going to be
heroic in the new book? Do I get the girl? I’m going to save the day again,
right? Do I get to fart a lot?
Doug: Well, there is a farting scene.
Tone: Cha-ching! I really don’t care about all that
other stuff. Farting! Farting! Farting!
Doug: Uh, yeah. So, what is the best part of being in
the Spiritscape? Is it the beauty? The grandeur? The excitement?
Tone: I get to fly butt first.
Doug: Butt first? Not the amber-hued mountains? Not the
battles with demons?
Tone: Nope. I guess that stuff is okay. But there is
nothing like the Spiritscape on your butt to make you feel alive. It’s better
than a really good poop!
Doug: Poop? Really, Tone?
Tone: Hey, you made me up. Don’t blame me. Think
about it. I get to say anything that crosses your messed-up mind! All those
stories I get to tell about my childhood are really things that happened to…
Doug: On another topic, what is it like working with
Tone: Hold on. Let me get out my cue cards. Ehem.
Working with Zeke is a great pleasure. He is always …psst. What’s that word?
Doug: Professional
Tone: Yeah. He is always professional and loves a
good joke… Do I really have to say this next part?
Doug: This is your interview. Say whatever you want.
Tone: Really? Cool!
Doug: Oh crap.
Tone: Here’s the deal. He is too cool for words and
he has loosened up a lot in New Fallen.
I think there is something going on between Zekey and Arino. Let me just say, I
caught them making googley eyes at each other several times. It was cute in a
make-me-wanna-puke kind of way.
Doug: Zeke and Arino? Really?
Tone: Dude, you wrote it. Why are you acting
Doug: Just trying to be a good interviewer.
Tone: Yeah. About that, stick to writing fiction.
So, what do you have in mind for me in the next book? Superpowers? Turn me into
an angel? Give me my own pudding-filled hot tub?
Doug: Well, the next book is going to be called Demonize. You are going to meet up with
some old enemies.
Tone: Demonize?
Is that the best you can do? Okay. I guess it works. So when are you going to
start on it?
Doug: Who is interviewing who here?
Tone: I’m interviewing you, now. Answer the question
before I’m forced to fill your head with images of me dressed up like a belly
dancer wearing nothing but bologna in strategic spots.
Doug: NO! Not that! Please, I need the brain cells
that would destroy. I’ll start on Demonize
as soon as I finish Reunion and Interpol.
Tone: Okaaaay, that doesn’t work for me. You need to
start on it tomorrow. Here is an image of me belly dancing.
Tone: So when are you starting it?
Doug: Today! Today! Just no more!!
Tone: Thank you. Now, about my love life…
That was when I passed
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