Friday, August 10, 2012

Reasons I Like Being a Guy - Restrooms

Ladies please do not take offense but I like being a guy. There are many reasons and I may write other blogs if any of you actually like this one. I decided to start with the easiest and future topics will cover the more delicate issues. This one is about the bathroom! I do not claim all of these as original but some of them I think I made up!

  1. The world is my urinal. Trees and fire ant hills are the best! Do not get to close to the fire ant hills though.
  2. I do not need someone else to go with me when I need to go and would not go if another guy asked me if I needed to. I can hold it!
  3. Two words: Stadium troughs. 
  4. The lines are shorter at public restrooms.
  5. Aim or not aiming. It is freedom in its truest form!
  6. If a guy is in a stall with the door locked you know what is happening and that haste should be made in your departure.
  7. Guy bathroom etiquette: Eyes front. No conversation. Move on.
  8. Potpourri, extra mirrors and actually couches are not allowed.
I hope these have helped you share my joy in being a male of the species. If you don't like them then I'm sure I can find something in Freud to explain it. 

Next time: Reasons women have more power than men!

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